What Is Lurking Under Your Gumline?

Gum Disease Treatment Midvale

Your overall dental health depends on healthy teeth and gums. Along with regular checkups at The Fort Union Dentist in Midvale regular brushing and flossing helps keep everything in good shape. You already know how to brush your teeth. But there are best practices that you may not be aware of. Bearing in mind that…

Swollen Gums?

If Your Gums Are Swollen And Sore, Call The Fort Union Dentist

If you are worried about swollen gums or an aching tooth, you’re are not alone. You should have your symptoms checked out right away, because they could be a sign of gum disease, a serious but treatable condition at The Fort Union Dentist in Midvale. Gum disease is progressive. Before it reaches the advanced stage…